Thursday, June 27, 2013

Know Your Range

Have you ever watched a singer who tried to hit a high or low note butfailed miserably & suffered severe embarrassment from doing so? Haveyou ever been the singer who failed to hit that high or low note?

The truth is, it never ever happens to a professional singer. The artof being a good singer is that of deception. The goal, to make thelistener believe you can do no wrong, that your voice has no flaws.

As far range goes, its just the tip of the iceberg but for now we focus on that.

A singer should always be aware of their range & what their generalrange is first & foremost. Simply by knowing how high or low you cango, you curb any chance of mistakes & embarrament. People listeningare not aware of how high you can sing & ensuring you're alwayshitting notes within your range, they'll always be impressed. For me,there is nothing worse than oversinging & listeing to someone whoclearly does not know who they are vocally.

Even when it comes to a vocalist showing off, knowing your range limitations makes it easier to show off without blowing it!

So how do you find out what your range is? Sure, you could get to apiano or guitar or another instrument & work that out or go to a vocalcoach or music teacher who could help you figure it out. The best forme would be trusting your instincts & your muscle memory. Knowing thatyou can only hit Low E & High B will not help you when you're out onstage or in an audition. With practise & experience you instinctivelyknow from bar 1 of a song what your limits are. To ensure you get thatright, its sheer hard work & learning to be aware of what your voiceis doing at any given time. Don't forget you could be sick or tiredwhich would limit your singing range too.

Seems like a lot, I know but as I said earlier just the tip of theiceberg for a singer. Its our job though to create the illusion thereis nothing wrong with us when we're on stage or even auditioning. Asthe saying goes...the show must go on!

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